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501C: Philosophy, Organizational Structure, and Professional Development

This course is aimed at assisting athletic directors set the tone for their program. Origins of athletic administration are addressed in addition to codes of ethics. The concept of “educational athletics” is discussed and refined. The role of the athletic administrator and the importance of having a school philosophy are addressed and workshop participants have the opportunity to interact with others to refine their own philosophies. Organizational relationships are examined from a provincial, national and international perspective. Key policies are also reviewed. Current and future courses are highlighted and the certification program is described.


502C: Athletic Administration in Canadian Schools

This crucial introductory course addresses many of the day-to-day operational responsibilities for Canadian Athletic Directors. The course addresses school athletic/academic philosophy, administrative organization, coach appointment, budgeting, scheduling, publicity and promotion, management of athletes, parents and others, transportation policies and issues, parent conflict, legal foundations, monthly checklists and more. One of the key resources available to course attendees is a resource package with over 700 pages of useful information, forms, detailed letter templates, sample policies, and more.


503C: Athletic Administration: Enhancing School-Based Athletic Programs

This course builds on the teachings in 501C and 502C, by taking Athletic Directors through ideas and strategies to implement that will enhance their athletic programs. The course touches on ways to improve citizenship and sportsmanship within your athletic program through positive initiatives, examines potential problems or possible solutions in areas such as program promotion, social media, tournaments and special events, recognition, awards, fundraising, and strategic planning.


504C: Legal Issues I - The Basics of Negligence, Liability, and Risk Management

This course covers liability, negligence, and risk management practices for athletic administrators. Legal concepts will be introduced to athletic administrators through the use of case law, case studies, and guided discussion. Appropriate risk management documentation procedures for athletic administrators will be identified. Attendees will benefit from discussing real-life case law scenarios and defining the duties and standards of care that the law requires of athletic administrators. Attendees will leave the course with new knowledge and actionable strategies for managing risk.


506C: Legal Issues II - Enhanced Legal Topics for the Athletic Administrator

This course introduces the important legal issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, hazing, and violence in sport. Participants will learn the legal definitions of the terms and how they are applied to the sport and scholastic context. Case law examples, discussions and other activities will help participants navigate these complex issues. Athletic administrators are also more frequently dealing with legal issues in an "online" context. This course looks at these new issues (cyber-bulling, online privacy, defamation, and coach-athlete relationship closeness on Facebook) through a legal lens and participants will learn tips for how best to manage online issues. Finally, the course touches on employment law and participants will learn best practices for beginning and ending relationships with teacher coaches and volunteer coaches.


535C: Effective Communication Strategies for Athletic Administrator

This course is designed to enhance the communication skills of Athletic Administrators. Verbal and non-verbal communication, written communication, and barriers to effective communication will be covered. Participants will learn how to implement effective communication strategies into their programs, including active and effective listening, types of responses, and incorporating best practices in emails and social media. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the tools to communicate more effectively and create a positive culture within their athletic programs.




602C: Creating Your Athletic Handbook

This course is designed to guide attendees through the process of creating a complete and effective athletic handbook. Effective athletic handbooks provide vision/direction for your program, disseminate critical information to your constituents and can save Athletic Administrators countless hours. This is a working course where attendees will be provided with a number of templates as a starting point and surrounded by experienced Athletic Administrators leading the course. Attendees will be expected to come prepared with a list of school and district-specific documents to guide them during the handbook creation process. This list will be sent to attendees roughly one week prior to the course delivery date.


608C: Management Strategies and Organization Techniques

This course is designed to inform athletic administrators how to more effectively organize and manage their time, apply time management principles, be more productive and have balance to life. Instruction will focus on 12 key components and strategies, including proven techniques and tips to teach participants how to: Set Goals and Priorities, Plan for Results, Organize for Success, Process Paperwork, Delegate Effectively, Eliminate Time Wasters, Enhance Decision-Making, Make Meetings Productive, Conquer Procrastination, Utilize Technology, Communicate Effectively and Reduce Stress.


627C: Considerations for Interscholastic Sports Strength and Conditioning Programs

A well designed and implemented strength and conditioning program is an important factor in offering quality programming to our student-athletes. Whether your program focus is on improving athlete performance or teaching the life skill of personal fitness, this course educates Athletic Directors on the fundamental considerations to starting a strength and conditioning program, upgrading your current training practices, re-evaluating facilities and certifying staffing.


633C: Creating Inclusive Opportunities for Athletes with a Disability

This course is designed to provide pathways for schools adding inclusive opportunities into their Athletic Department. Unified and Para Sport programs open doors for a multitude of new students to participate in school sport. These programs contribute greatly to enhanced school culture by inviting greater diversity among Athletics’ participants. Any interested Athletic Directors and Coaches will derive great benefit - schools have both a great opportunity and responsibility when considering Unified and Para Sport Programs.




700C: Administration of Middle School Athletic Programs (Grades 6-9)

This course provides insights and strategies for the leadership of developmentally sound, education-focused Junior High school athletic programs. The concept of educational athletics is defined and developed. Philosophy is discussed along with the relationship it has to the psychological and physical development of the student. This course also concentrates on the role of the school coach and coaching principles. Junior High school athletics is an essential part of the total educational process and an excellent opportunity for the home, school and community to work together in order to provide a positive educational experience for children.


703C: Educational Athletics - Performance Beyond the X's and O's

This student-centred program will provide learning experiences for student athletes beyond the X’s and O’s. This course will support a value based curriculum that will demonstrate model behaviours and qualities that students should emulate both in and out of the athletic arena. Teachable moments beyond the classroom — centre court, centre field or centre ice — provide the opportunity to promote and maximize the achievement of these educational goals and life skills. This course will provide the necessary strategies, methods and resources to implement this initiative within your own school.


705C: Educational Athletics - Mentorship, Leadership, and Character Development

Character based coach-to-coach mentoring programs utilize the talents, strengths and qualities of the entire team of coaches to maximize the potential of the coaching staff. Mentoring is an attitude, a relationship and an investment, which provides coaches the opportunity to support and nurture each other professionally, personally and ethically. This course will highlight mentoring models that demonstrate key behaviours to implement when establishing an effective mentoring program. It will also provide athletic administrators strategies and methods to develop and enhance successful coach-to-coach mentoring programs.


710C: Current Issues in Canadian School Sport

Experienced athletic administrators will lead the group through various workshop topics on current issues in Canadian school sport. Topics examined may include: Dealing Effectively with Parents, Developing Leadership in Your Athletic Program, Enhancing Multi-sport Participation and Combating Specialization, Educating Against Racism in Your Athletic Program, and Developing in-House Professional Development Programs for your Coaches. Utilizing a mix of lecture and small-group discussions, presenters will explore each issue from a number of perspectives and examine effective strategies. Participants will have an opportunity to contribute to the discussion and explore each topic in detail as a unit.


714C: Preventing, Managing and Transforming Challenging Behaviour

This course examines the causes of challenging or difficult personalities in society, with specific reference to interscholastic athletic programs. Basic management strategies include the use of emotional intelligence and transactional analysis considerations and methods. Specific protocols will be defined for dealing with individuals who “must be right,” “must win,” “must be logical” and “must be accepted.” In addition, techniques will be covered for preventing or responding to anger, sarcasm, denigration, complainers and backbiters and rigid-obstinate personalities. A model will also be discussed for creative interaction with parents who demand involvement in athletic department decision-making or who seek to influence the decisions of senior administrators.


719C: Leadership, Management and Decision-Making

This course examines relevant strategies and principles that can be utilized to enhance the skills of the athletic administrator in the areas of leadership, management and decision-making. Learning begins with an introduction to the differences between leadership, management and supervision, and continues with an in-depth investigation of each. Through the analysis of specific leadership and management characteristics and techniques, attendees will be able to apply specific skills to improve their leadership effectiveness. Concepts and techniques of decision-making strategies are discussed and demonstrated through various in-class exercises. Appendices provide relevant materials, instruments and assessment procedures that support text materials and principles.


720C: Educational Athletics - Creating a Character-Based Athletics Program

Character based educational athletics can only truly succeed when the entire community — School Board, Superintendent, Principal, Parents and Boosters — support and embrace the values and views lived daily in the school setting by the student and strategies needed to implement these programs within the entire community athletes, coaches, athletic department and school faculty. Without question, teachable moments in athletics prepare students for life when the whole community supports and reinforces those life lessons. This course will empower the athletic administrator to help motivate in order to be a key figure in helping the school community to understand and embrace important character expectations for the school program.


721C: Positive Sporting Behaviour

In this course, attendees will learn to implement appropriate strategies and techniques designed to create a positive, productive learning environment, which will support a system that encourages character, self-discipline and sportsmanship. This course will provide opportunities for self-assessment and reflection in regards to prior performance. In addition, attendees will participate in class discussions and activities which will increase their knowledge and skills of the effective components of successful character, citizenship, and sportsmanship to share with their students, coaches, parents, and communities.


722C: Building a Positive School Culture through Sport

Building or changing your current school culture into a dynamic force within the school is not an easy task. This course will highlight processes for using sport to build and enrich a positive and exciting school culture. Specific steps and ideas will be outlined to use your athletic program and other school-based athletic initiatives as a springboard to create a healthy and positive environment within your school. The course will focus on engaging the entire school population through sport and activity.


726C: Student Leadership Development

Student Leadership Development is an essential component to any successful education-based athletic program. In this course, we’ll look at numerous ways to actively develop leaders who will serve your school as well as the greater community. Topics that will be covered include: captains council, student leadership workshops, service learning, and further opportunities to develop Student Leadership.




790C: Instructor Development for the Leadership Training Program

This course is designed to provide instructors with an awareness of the expectations that are placed upon them in presenting LTP courses. The course examines teaching and learning styles and provides strategies for instructors to use in teaching LTP courses. It provides for interaction between current national faculty instructors and potential LTP instructors in the exchange of ideas used in the successful implementation of courses. To instruct any LTP course, one must complete LTC 790C and the course that one will be instructing. Attendees who will derive greatest benefit: those seeking to become instructors in the Leadership Training Program.


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The CIAAA champions Athletic Administrators as the professional leaders of school sport across Canada.


The CIAAA promotes educational athletics through the professional development of athletic administrators with a focus on character and leadership. Our goal is to support schools in building positive athletic environments that enhance the learning experience for all students.


11759 Groat Road NW

Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6

© 2021 Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association

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